Mission Statement

mr itchThis blog is dedicated to women who are suffering from histamine intolerance brought on by the hormonal fluctuations common to menopause. It is a compilation of months of research.


I am not in the medical field and this is not medical advice. I am just an ordinary woman, like you maybe, just starting menopause and newly suffering from histamine intolerance because of the changes in my hormonal balance. I wanted to compile my hours of research to make it easier for women like me to find answers.

Why are you here?

Maybe because you have been suffering multiple hot flashes at night and can’t sleep. You are having nightmares, and are restless. Maybe you are waking up with hives, or itching during the day for what seems like no reason. Your brain is in a fog, you feel dysfunctional, you can’t focus and you feel fatigued and just plain awful. You’ve done the reading, and you know you are starting menopause, so you think this is how you should feel and just get through it.

Your options seem to be to take HRT or to use herbal remedies, but you still itch and those hot flashes don’t stop.

Maybe though, you’ve been lucky enough to stumble, and I do mean stumble, over what really might be affecting you; high histamine levels brought on by the hormonal imbalance of menopause. In other words, you might be suffering from histamine intolerance. Basically, that means that what you eat is directly affecting how you feel. Foods high in histamine are triggering allergy-like reactions in your body. For me it’s itching. Additionally, there is a strong link to high histamine levels and hot flashes. I can attest to that link too!

Once I discovered the link between hormones and histamine, and then understood the link between histamine and food, I started making major changes to my diet and started taking vitamin supplements to help bring down my high histamine levels and my life improved dramatically.

In a nutshell, histamine intolerance is a problem the body has handling excess histamine. Up until my hormones changed with menopause, my body had no problem with anything I ate. But now my body cannot handle histamine coming in from outside sources, with those outside sources being food. So it’s not an allergy to food per se. A doctor could do a scratch test (a common test for allergies) for spinach let’s say, but my skin won’t react. That’s because I am not allergic to the food, but the histamine in the food.

I still suffer from histamine intolerance, but I am now educated about the issue and can work to, if not recover from it completely, at least control it. My itching is at a minimum depending on my diet, and my hot flashes are non-existent. My mood is even and dare I say peaceful, and my focus on tasks is returning. I still get fatigued, but I’m a high school teacher so that’s a normal state of being, but I feel relatively normal again.

And I don’t feel crazy anymore. Before I discovered what was going on with my body I thought I was going crazy. Or that I had some awful disease!

Anyone who has histamine intolerance will tell you navigating through life is trickier. It takes a lot of work to maintain an itch free day. And there are many surprises along the way. (I’m going to have to live with some mildew on my bathroom caulking because I learned the hard way bleach lights me up like a fire cracker!) But knowing what it is and how to manage it makes life so much better.

What made me start this blog?

I guess you could say I had an itch to write! I always thought it would be the great American novel…

Anyway, the real story is that I was researching my itching for at least two months when I landed on a site talking about the link between menopause and its effect on rising histamine levels. It backed up what I had already known from other sources. But what I didn’t realize at first was that it was a site advertising a med for hot flashes. I clicked on the information page and was completely horrified.

The med had nothing to do with lowering histamine. Yes, it had Vitamin C which is a known antihistamine, but the other ingredients were too many syllables to remember. But one ingredient really infuriated me. MSG!

How many people have a problem with that chemical already? And to put it in something that is supposed to minimize hot flashes?! I was incensed!

Women need to be educated. High Histamine is hidden in the lists of things that can go haywire with our bodies during menopause. Most women might never make the connection between menopause and histamine. Pharmaceutical companies who know what the issue is should be working to help women, but they really just want to sell drugs.

So that was it. I’ve learned so much and feel so much better I wanted to share my knowledge. I haven’t had a hot flash at night in weeks. I was having six a night before I figured it out. I can’t imagine what I’d be like if I were taking a drug with MSG in it.

And one other thing I’ve noticed. I have not had mood swings since I started a low histamine diet in conjunction with vitamin supplements. There is a well documented link between high histamine and depression. I think there must be a link between high histamine and mood swings but I haven’t found that specific information documented yet.

I am a teacher by profession. This is just another chance to share and teach. So if you’ve fallen over my site in your search for relief, please leave a comment and let me know if I’ve helped. I figure if I help one person, then my time is well spent.

Don’t forget to take a look around by clicking the links at the top of the page. Or start here, on the Index of Posts.


980 comments on “Mission Statement
  1. Maureen Davis says:

    O.K. I know I keep writing here but I’m just feeling so much better I can’t help sharing it. This time I have a question for everyone.

    Has anyone investigated zinc as a possible treatment for menopause histamine problems? I was doing some google investigating for my digestive issues recently, and I saw an article about zinc and digestion. The article said it can help with digestion and can also help with a problem common to postmenopausal women, waking up in the middle of the night. I bought some zinc. The lowest dosage I could find was 40 miligrams and the recommended dosage for women is 11 miligrams a day so I just took a nibble off of it right before I went to bed. I was shocked when I slept through the night for the first time in years. I ate popcorn and didn’t have any gas. It worked so well for me that I did some more zinc research and saw that it also helps the body get rid of excess histamine. This is what it is supposed to do:

    zinc helps DAO break down histamine (it may also have anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic properties)

    I just thought I would throw this information out there, maybe it will help someone.

    • Hey come back as often as you’d like! I feel like others have had a zinc discussion on here years ago. I don’t think it’s searchable though because it was in the comments section. But you might be onto something. Thanks for coming back and sharing. I’ll have to check it out.


    • Sherri Coats says:

      Funny I stumbled upon this….in my search tonight for help (which led me here) I also read zinc helps with hives. Don’t ask me where because o have googled so much my eyes are crossing. Lol. Thanks for your input. I may add this to my supplement list.

      • Zinc has been mentioned quite a few times to me. I have not researched it myself. But I have heard it helps. Of course it’s different for everyone but you could try it as long as you’re keeping a journal so you can monitor if it triggers anything or if it helps.

    • Melanie says:

      HI Maureen, zinc helps me with histamine issues. I take about 40 mg per day in the ionic mineral form

      • Sherri says:

        How long does it take for you to feel any effect of zinc for histamines. I read online that it takes 90 days to get in system 🤦🏽‍♀️ I was wondering since you take it if you felt relief earlier than that projected time.
        Thank you 😊

      • Melanie Schrand says:

        HI Sherri, I am not sure how long because I have to take so many things to control my itching as progesterone makes me itch a lot. I had to go on L Glutamine and I started out at 1700 mg per day and worked my way up to 3400 mg per day. Then I added in L theanine as that is supposed to stabilize mast cells. I am taking 200mg x 3 per day. Then I added in the ionic Zinc but when it got really bad the zinc did not help anymore. It seems the L glutamine and the l theanine really helped. The other things I take are Antronex from Standard Process as that helps a lot with itching as well and then those homeopathic pellets you put under your tongue. I always have those on hand. It is called histamanium something like that. You can get them on amazon. If it gets really bad I take something called D-HIst by Ortho Molecular and you take a loading dose for 7 days and then just stay on 2 pills per day after that. I am the queen of itch problems so if you need to call me just let me know and I will send you my phone number to your email. I will be happy to help.

      • Sherri says:

        Thank you so much. It helps to have someone that may be able to offer relief. Mine starts as intense itching and then hives will eventually tear their ugly heads.
        I may try the other supplements you mentioned as well.
        Thank you so much. If you have more in-depth Info and it’s easier to text; my number is (910) 590-6643. Thanks again. 😊🙏🏼

    • Sherri says:

      How long do you think it takes the zinc to take effect for itching and hives…..to excrete excess histamines?
      Thank you 😊

      • Maureen says:

        I haven’t used zinc for itching and I never had hives. I seem to be pretty much symptom free at this time. I wrote that comment when I was researching another physical ailment and I saw that zinc was supposed to help with allergy symptoms. I thought I would write about it here to see if it might help people on this site.

        I found this website a couple of year ago when I was having crazy menopause reactions which included a red and itchy face, nose, and chest. I was also having insomnia, hot flashes, exhaustion, etc. Per suggestions here, I cut as many histamine producing foods from my diet as I could ( kombucha, tea, coffee, chocolate, pickled foods, fermented food and drink, avocados, etc.) I noticed a difference in the number of hot flashes almost immediately. Eventually I noticed that my face wasn’t getting red and itching as often. My hot flashes have almost completely stopped now. I had one about a month ago. I’ve been trying to spread the word to other menopausal women.

  2. Sherri says:

    I was wondering in your studies and experiences do you find that turmeric may help with hives and itching. I have read it does but wasn’t sure. I feel you have done in depth studies and probably know. Also, do you feel the sole water helps with hives and itching. Thank you.

    • I didn’t do that much research when it came to turmeric and histamine because ginger worked so well. Turmeric did make my hot flashes worse at the time. I also don’t think the sole water did too much for me when it came to itching. But a lot of people think salt helps.

      If you do use turmeric you need to take it with black pepper and an oil like olive oil of some kind so your body can synthesize it. It is really good for you overall. Of course that’s if you can tolerate it.

      I’m sorry I don’t have more information on those two things.


      • Sherri says:

        So In your opinion you think the ginger works well. I bought ginger root capsules. I haven’t started that yet so I wanted to get an input before doing so.
        Is that the form you used?
        Thanks for always replying. You are a ray of sunshine!

      • Ginger is the bomb! Haha. Yes try it. My sister who is a nurse and was complaining about itching finally listened to me and bought ginger root capsules and olive leaf. The next day she was already improved.

        Thank you for the compliment! I try!

  3. Melanie says:

    I tried ginger capsules but they did not stop my itching at all. I wonder why?

  4. Gina says:

    Thank you for sharing all this information that you have experienced and researched for your own needs. It definitely helped me out more than you know….

    I stumbled on your page because I had to educate myself on the sudden, out of nowhere hives that came on. I was home all day, ate nothing new or different, then it just appeared. It was mind-boggling! I tried a cold press to relieve the itching… but it was short-lived. I decided to take some Benadryl. That helped quite a bit. Although the itching subsided and the blotches started to fade that night… my back itched during the night. In the morning….it improved in some areas, but popped up in other areas. I decided on a cup of hot ginger tea with honey. It surprisingly helped and I took more Benadryl. Now, I feel like it’s going away…?!?

    It dawned on me that it could be due to nearing menopause….just another left field symptom of peri-menopause? I wouldn’t doubt it because for a few years, I’ve had unexplainable things happen, but then to go away.

    I never knew about the histamine intolerance. It now makes sense to me. I’ll have watch what I eat and do to see if I can narrow down the triggers for me. Thank you again!!!!

  5. Turtle says:

    Hi, everyone! This website has been a blessing to me in so many ways. I haven’t been Feeling well for a month. Everything kept pointing to menopause but I just sensed it wasn’t. It started with urinary incontinence and UTI. Gyno gave RX for infection and told me to take primrose oil for PMS symptoms. I started right away. Then a week later started having severe hot flashes, but thought my menses was coming. Nope!! The following week they got worse and I started getting elevated rate rate with them and severe insomnia, depression, emotional, etc. EVERY dr pointed to menopause. I noticed my hot flashes lessened when I would take acetaminophen. Clearly there was some inflammation happening. Finally, my hubby talked to one of his dr colleagues. They said to to add Benedryl to my current Tylenol pm ritual. I did finally managed to sleep all night for the first time in over a month. My Fitbit still showed that I wake at the same times, but not from severe hot flashes, just baby ones. Looked up to see correlation…histamine and primrose oil (concentrated omega 6s)elevate cortisol levels and zap estrogen, progesterone, and DHEA. Hello?!?!? I learned not long ago from 23andme that I have histamine issues from mutations and DAO and COM issues! When I read this article about the invisible itching, I knew I was in the right place. For years I have had terrible itching on my scalp. No doctor, dermatologist included found anything. No rash, flaking, etc. were ever found. It immediately stopped after taking antihistamines!!!! I take a slew of supplements and really need help tailoring and record keeping. I also need quality sleep although I am sleeping better, my sleep cycle still shows spikes at the same time every night any advice would be great recommendations on dr to see? I don’t think I will be able to see one for several months due to the Covid-19, but I can start looking. Thanks in advance!😳😩

    • You sound like you’re on the right track. If you are you won’t need to see a doctor at this crazy time. Start a food diary to keep track of what might be causing you issues and keep reading my blog about what might help. Thanks for writing.

      Stay safe, stay well.

    • Start a journal. Write down foods and your reactions and what supplements you take and when and those reactions. Once you start you’ll start to see patterns emerge. I’ve written a lot about that. Take a look at the supplements I suggest and search my site for my articles on olive oil. You won’t need to see a doctor if you solve it yourself which is possible.

      Good luck and thanks for sharing.

  6. Anne says:

    Love your blog. I’m on month 8 of suffering with histamine intolerance. It’s been a total nightmare. I have seen many doctors and had biopsies and blood tests and doctors found nothing. Prednisone works awesome, but I obviously can’t stay on this long term. I finally went to a Functional Medicine doctor who explained the high histamine issue and put me on quercetin and other supplements. I’m still not healed, but I’m SLOWLY getting better. I have added DAO supplements to my day and it is very helpful. Every day is a new day….and like many others suffering from this, I try to stay positive. Thanks for the tip about olive leaf extract and ginger root. I’m going to try both.

  7. Yolanda Staff says:

    Hi, thank you for this great information. I’m 49 and have suddenly started having night sweats and histamine reaction, I’ve also got Perioral Dermatitis around my mouth which I understand can be caused by histamine intolerance.

    Can you tell me what supplements you are taking to help with histamine?

  8. Janie says:

    I’ve once again rediscovered this page. I found that I had provided a link to it five years ago on a neuropathy forum in my quest to discover the cause of my body-wide neurological symptoms. I was so close, but apparently had to suffer another five years to believe histamine was the issue. (I’m 58 now.)

    I don’t suffer the “normal” signs of histamine intolerance…hives, usual allergy symptoms, gastric symptoms, etc… Mine are neurological and cardiac, but I know they are definitely a response to histamine now. My comfort level has increased dramatically just by watching my diet. The episodes of feeling like I’m being electrocuted or burned from the inside out have reduced significantly.

    I did discover that I have one solidly-researched mutation on the HNMT gene that is almost certainly causing reduced levels of that important histamine-clearing enzyme. And I also have another mutation on the same gene that may be having even more impact. I speculate that low levels of this enzyme (vs DAO) may be why my symptoms are hitting me neurologically. I’ve read at least one thing that says HNMT is responsible for clearing histamine from your brain, and another that says HNMT cleans up the histamine that DAO doesn’t. Dr. Afrin said HNMT is responsible for clearing your body of the histamine your mast cells produce vs. ingested histamine, but since I respond to histamine in food, would that mean my mast cells are producing histamine in response to histamine-laden food?

    As if having a poorly understood disorder isn’t bad enough, I have to have an unusual manifestation of a poorly understood disorder. 🙂

    Regardless thank you for this site, and I’m looking forward to reading all the other information here to try to learn more to help myself.

    • Maureen says:

      I’m sure you’ve already had this checked out, but just in case you haven’t, have you had your B12 level checked? A couple of years ago my toes and the tips of my fingers had gone numb. My doctor couldn’t figure out why so I did some Google research and asked him to check my B12 level. The test showed that I was extremely low on B12 and probably had been for many years. I’v been on monthly B12 shots for 2 years and I can feel my toes and fingers again. Many other B12 deficiency symptoms have also been resolved. It’s a cheap and easy test that everyone should have during their yearly physicals.

      • Janie says:

        Hi Maureen,

        Yes, thanks. That’s one of the first things my neurologist checked back in 2014, and my B12 was actually high. (I had started supplementing when my symptoms started.) He told me to stop supplementing, and it’s returned to normal levels in subsequent testing.


    • Maureen says:

      Sorry, I meant to also say that B12 deficiency can cause neurological problems and anxiety and depression.

  9. Ana says:

    This is very helpful for me, because I’m suffering exactly wat you explain in this article.

    Thank you so much🙏🏼 I’ll take alll your advices.

  10. Nydia says:

    Been going crazy with chronic itching. Going thru menopause. Glad i found your site. Have had problems sleeping with itching all over body. Going to try out the supplements recommended. Thank you!

  11. Alisca says:

    Does histamine effect your mouth during menopause? Burning , itchy sensations, dry? I have had every test, doctors and oral surgeons. I feel like my allergies were 10 times as bad this year . Thanks

    • Venessa says:

      Yes absolutely it does. Google histamine intolerance and dry mouth. The bane of me for the past 2 years. There are different histamine receptors all over the body. Remember, histamine is a neurotransmitter, so messages are sent all over by these neurotransmitters. Drinking lots of water can help, along with other options. If you are on Instagram follow Dr. Becky Campbell who wrote the book The 4 phase histamine reset plan and follow thewellnesswitches who also give amazing insight.

  12. L Fletcher says:

    Exactly what vitamins did you take?…that information would be invaluable help!

  13. Bonnie Medd says:

    Oh you *might* just be my miracle. I’m almost 58 years old. I went through menopause at 51 with very little issues. A few night sweats but no real hot flashes. Last year (November 2019) I woke up one day with horrible hives all over. They were more like welts than hives. I was hospitalized three times near anaphylactic and treated with Zyrtec, Pepcid and steroids. I’ve been to allergists and immunologists. I’ve been to naturopaths and regular MD’s. I literally woke up one day like this and it never went away. A year later and I’m still dealing with it. I’ve done all the things: low histamine diet, healing my gut, also many supplements. Where it’s gotten better it has not gone away. I wanted to die. Really.

    You, beautiful lady, this morning on November 29th, 2020 have given me a new hope. I will come back to this page and update you once I read through your wealth of information on your blog and start to implement some or all of your suggestions.

  14. LizSherbourne says:

    GABA and inositol made all my symptoms disappear , I didnt have to take both
    just one of them unfortunately I developed allergies to them so I had to stop taking them

    I have discovered that there is something else going on aside from histamine from food and drink and it’s to do with neurotransmitters dopamine and serotonin
    , GABA and inositol are serotogenic and calm everything down neurologically and when the balance tips towards serotonin I could eat anything I wanted and drink wine every day .

    I took GABA initially to calm down my immune system because rhodiola had stimulated it to such an extent I erupted in eczema , I was itching too , the GABA along with bicarbonate of soda stopped the itching our cocker spaniel Charlie was itching like mad at the time too and I gave him small amounts of GABA it didn’t agree with him but his itching stopped and never came back
    Serotonin is calming , dopamine is excititory, there is alot more to it but this is the basic premise of what I have discovered

    • Ruth says:

      That is very interesting LizSherbourne. I don’t have the itching but I have rhinitis & terrible sneezing & ear eczema. I’ve never had allergies in my life before. I am 10 years post surgical menopausal. I have never tried gaba but I am interested in trying it. I was hoping it would help with the anxiety & depression that comes with all this.

  15. Ronda says:

    Hello, I have suffered from histamine intolerance for over 10 years and just figured it out recently after MANY doctor visits, research, elimination, etc. The histamine intolerance was definitely triggered by menopause. I just wanted to throw something else I have discovered out to everyone. I started taking a DAO supplement which worked great. Then I had a routine check-up where my B12 levels were checked. My B12 was extremely low and this did not make sense to me because I am getting plenty of B12 in my diet. This lead me to the conclusion that it must be an absorption problem. As it turns out, taking a DAO supplement can interfere with the absorption of B12. I had to stop taking the DAO because being B12 deficient is not something you want to mess with. It can cause permanent damage. Just wanted to put that out there for those that are supplementing with DAO to keep an eye on your B12 levels.

    • MoKayDavis@aol.com says:

      I have B12 deficiency/pernecious anemia. Your ability to use B12 diminishes as you age. Anyone over the age of 50 should have their B12 levels checked every time you have a physical. Also, if you are taking a supplement that contains B12 your blood test results could be distorted. Just because your blood test shows B12 in your blood it doesn’t mean your body is able to use it. Because my body doesn’t produce product intrinsic factor, I will be receiving B12 shots for the rest of my life. I can’t tell you how much better I feel since I started getting shots. A lot of problems I blamed on menopause and histamine problems were “cured” with regular B12 shots.

  16. jane gilbert says:

    Very true regarding your body not being able to make use of it. Quite by accident, I discovered I have low levels of an enzyme called biotinidase. Without adequate levels of the enzyme, you can’t make use of the ample quantities of biotin that is available in food. Severely deficient people can be in big trouble if they don’t take a biotin supplement. Even though my levels are low, I wasn’t supposed to be affected, but lo and behold, when I started supplementing, my problems with fasting hypoglycemia went away. If I went 6 hours without eating, I was in trouble, but now, I can’t drive myself into that state no matter how hard I try.

    • Maureen K Davis says:

      Wouldn’t it be nice if medical professionals looked for the cause of a physical problem before they started prescribing powerful medications to treat the symptoms of a problem. I self diagnosed my B12 deficiency. My toes were starting to go numb and I was constantly tired and dizzy. My doctor did diagnose my iron deficiency but I googled my symptoms and asked him to test my B12 level. It came back so low he immediately prescribed loading doses of B12. Since I eat a lot of meat there was no reason for me to have such low B12 levels so he decided I have absorption problems.

      • Presouz says:

        On the second side of the coin I just wanna let you know that I’ve diagnosed myself with low B 12 even though my b12 came back higher by four times and it should’ve been but I found out later on can I have MTHFR which means my body can’t process synthetic b12 it just sits in my body same with synthetic folic acid I had an MTHFR677G mutation I started taking natural food grade B 12 and folate and things changed around in a yeat

      • Maureen K Davis says:

        There are many reasons why some people have trouble using the B12 they consume. My sister was just diagnosed with B12 deficiency and part of her problem was she has been taking prescription acid reduction medications for many, many years. Without enough acid your body can’t get access to the B12. Doctors should tell people that when they put them on PPIs.

  17. jaxster521 says:

    This is amazing!! Its like I’m reading about myself ! Thank you so much for this mountain of information, I’m so glad I came across your blog. I’ve been researching for months now about many different symptoms of menopause and food being my main interest, as I also have become intolerant to many foods. I have severe allergic rhinitis and sinus problems which got to the severe level since the menopause kicked in. I made a connection to dairy and eggs, which I have now stopped and I feel much better, not totally but better then I was. The zinc information is brilliant and I shall be trying it myself too. A million thanks .

    • Always make me so happy when I know my blog makes a difference in someone’s life!

      Thanks for sharing!

      • Philippa White says:

        Thank you so much for your blog; it does make a huge difference. I have been researching these issues for a while due to terrible hives which started November 2019 (co-incidence with the comment above?) and total insomnia. Just to add something into the mix here, the symptoms of Covid-19 are not dis-similar either hives, insomnia, (See Italy and Spain), and we had a few cases round my area in late 2019. (Don’t believe them when they tell you it started here in March 2020 – that’s when they gave it a name!).
        Menopausal women are known to be more vulnerable to the virus.
        The truth may be more complicated than we think; and life has not been easy for any of us….What I do know is Covid- hi-jacks the microbiome so any DAO/methylation problem could potentially be worsened.

        Any way, wonderful blog and so useful. Thank you.

      • Thank you for sharing this information. I had wondered how women are fairing who already have immune compromised bodies.

        And the fact that it hijacks the microbiome fascinated me. I’ll have to research that.

        Thank you for sharing! Stay safe.


  18. Sam Michaels says:

    Well, I’m beginning to feel a glimmer of hope. Histamine & menopause, who knew? I’m SEVENTY, and still wake up nightly feeling like I’m going to spontaneously combust. No dr. has ever helped in the least. I found a histamine connection to the night sweats because I was wondering why I felt so much better taking benadryl.. sleeping through the night, waking up like a human. I’ve eliminated all possible offending foods etc., but still do this wakamole game of trying to write down everything I eat, take, think, to try to get it under control. This has been going on for so many years, it’s ruined my life, quite literally .. relationships, jobs, everything. You feel like you’ve got some dreaded illness all the time, and no one can find a thing. So I thought I was doing better on progesterone, but last night it was full on again – I think the only thing I took different yesterday was turmeric and quercetin. I read that turmeric can cause hot flashes in some? Thank y’all for letting me know I’m not alone!!!

  19. Tina Stough says:

    Did you manage control of histimine rage ONLY with diet and nutrients…rather than hormonal creams?

  20. Julie Challenger says:

    My itchy skin started last year May 2022 (48 year old) told I had eczema, scabies. Skin infection, the list is endless.. various of creams and four times on steriods Prednisolone finally appointment at dermatology a week or so ago and I was diagnosed with urtericaria.
    I’ve had the sleepless nights itch after itch after itch can’t settle it can’t itch it moves feels like ants are all over my body. Lost my job through it, stresses to high heaven frustrated upset, agitated low mood..inflammation on fire can fry eggs especially on my torso area.
    I’m just coming to the end of my 4th dose of steriods I’m following a low histamine diet followed with wall Pilates and a calorie controlled diet, still taking anti histamine 5 a day.. hopefully I can send this itch back to wheee it came from. 🤞🏼

    • You can get rid of it for sure if it’s histamine intolerance. Utericaria is a fancy way for them to say you itch and we don’t know why.

      Please read through my posts. Especially on olive oil and supplements. I’m in good shape ten years later. Still have to be careful, but I control the worst of it.

      Good luck and thanks for writing.

  21. Kim L says:

    Why don’t you balance your hormones, like estrogen/progesterone- then you won’t have to be on a restricted diet anymore. I’ve been reading about this too as I have suffered with histamine intolerance and didn’t know why the insomnia and I’ve been on a low histamine diet for nine months but it’s been hell and I don’t want to live that way being restricted like that, I’m already a celiac. So I’m going to find out how to balance my Hormones. Thanks for your article.!

    • Erin says:

      I’m allergic to all HRT, so it is isn’t an option. I’m also at high risk for breast cancer, which HRT is a cause of in post menopausal women. Heart attacks in women in run strongly in my family, HRT causes this as a side affect. Controlling my diet with food has been extremely beneficial for myself in all the other issues brought on my menopause. If you choose not to go this route, then good for you. We all have choices, but don’t bash the rest of us for our choices.

    • This entire blog is about controlling histamine intolerance without the use of HRT. I did not want to alter what my body was doing naturally, so I researched how to fix imbalances with food. If you do not agree with this philosophy, then this blog isn’t necessarily the place you’ll want to visit. But there is room for everyone to have an opinion and I’m happy you’re on your chosen path. I hope you heal with whatever direction you take.


  22. Linda says:

    I just found this blog and find it to be very informative. I have been suffering with what I believe may be a histamine intolerance issue for about 7 years. I am 59 and my main symptom is headaches…I only have slight itching at times but have headaches daily every few hours that last from 5-15 min but extremely intense. After 3-4 years of suffering and MRI’s on my brain I gave in to taking the lowest dose possible of indomethacin(NSAID) which does allow me to be mostly headache free but I have always suspected it may be hormonal/food related. Certain foods as well as stress are definite triggers. I would also wake up in the middle of the night with the headaches. I have taken the Dutch test twice along with other tests and could never get to the cause. I am not happy about taking the indomethacin but have not been able to get off of it. I notice that when I don’t eat or when I fast…the headaches either don’t come or are less severe and less frequent. I also believe I have an issue with absorbing nutrients and do take supplements…some that have been mentioned. If anything, you have given me more determination to try again..it has been a long difficult run and do not want to be on medication for the rest of my life.

    Thank you,


    • I’m so happy my blog might help you find a solution to your issues. I hope you figure it out and heal.

      I’m a migraine sufferer so I understand how debilitating the pain can be. But I’ve figured out some of my food triggers and have had way less of them. Almonds were big trigger for me.

      Good luck and come back and let me how you are. I’d love to hear you’ve improved.


  23. Sheila says:

    I stumbled upon AllerBreez by Zahlers, which really helped me. I have allergies to dust, mold, and more. The histamine intolerance train totally complicated things on menopause kicked in full gear.

    Talk about a roller-coaster 🎢 ride. The fluid retention went through the roof. Summers became hellish. Palpitations almost become routine. It got so bad I couldn’t eat. Oh, the lymph issue….my head and neck suffered tremendously. Eyes, those some of my worst symptoms. I become a walking HEATER.
    I found Dao and Ancestral Kidney from beef….Once again, I almost a life. I went carnivore, more progress. It is an adventure for certain.

    Daily we must tackle this clown…menopause with histamine intolerance. I enjoy my jungle now.

    Thank you for blogging and giving some peace in the chaos.

  24. estelle paisley says:

    hi, has anyone tried spirulina for histamine issues?

    • I never have. It has some histamine in it but could also help with histamine. So it would be a very individual decision based on a reaction to it. Or a non-reaction.

      I would suggest if you do try it to keep a food journal and note anything that does or does not happen and how much you take. Maybe there’s an amount you’d tolerate.

      Thanks for the question.

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